He had some inspiration which was very good I might add. First time I ever tried this Shock Top Belgium White Beer and I loved it with an orange slice in it:

I must also give a good review of Off's new fan product. I must say it works wonderfully for mosquitos but not so much for the greenheads. For those of you who do not know...greenheads are these annoying biting green headed flies which are native to NJ (only certain portions). Be glad if you don't know them. But, hey if you know mosquitos...this is worth a try. Here is what it looks like:
I don't know about you but I hate putting mosquito spray all over myself and I usually don't because I just don't think its healthy to spray that stuff on you...at least with this little Off Fan...your not spraying the stuff on you and your just hanging it off your pants or belt loop or something like that. It works!!!
Well after the Belgium White and the new Mosquito Fans....we had a good end result and I think hubby felt good again and is ready to kick start this vacation into gear!
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